Play skill modes

When starting a new game you can select one of three different play skill modes.

The skill mode controls how difficult the enemies in the game will be.

All enemies will be easier to destroy if you select the easy skill and harder if the hard skill is selected. The default skill for a normal player is the medium skill.

Easy This is the skill mode for children or not very experienced players. All enemies are a little nicer but they give less points than the medium skill mode. Playing this mode entitles you three extra depth charges on every level. You get an extra life for every 80,000 points.

Medium This is the default skill mode. The enemies are medium bad. You get an extra life for every 100,000 points. Try this first.

Hard Hrrmpf ! Landlubbers do not bother ! If you are an experienced player this is the skill mode for you. All enemies are meaner and gives more points than the medium skill mode. You get an extra life for every 120,000 points.